Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan harvested 2.2 million hectares of grain, threshed 3.3 million tons 23.08.2022 в 14:28 274 просмотра

In Kazakhstan, mass harvesting has begun in all regions. To date, 2.2 million hectares of grain and leguminous crops have been harvested, which is 13.9% of the harvested area. With an average yield of 14.6 c/ha, 3.3 million tons of grain were threshed. This was announced today at a government meeting by the Minister of Agriculture Yerbol Karashukeev.

“The total harvested area of ​​agricultural crops this year amounted to 23.4 million hectares (387.1 thousand hectares more than in 2021). Of these, the grain harvesting area is 16.1 million hectares. In terms of crops, wheat harvesting areas amount to 12.9 million hectares, of which 1 million 054.3 thousand hectares, or 10.1%, were harvested, with a yield of 14.4 centners per hectare. 1 million 522.6 thousand tons have been harvested,” Yerbol Karashukeev specified.

The harvested area of ​​oilseeds is 3.4 million hectares, of which 16.6 thousand hectares have been harvested to date. 11.5 thousand tons were harvested with an average yield of 7 centners per hectare.

Potatoes must be harvested from an area of ​​198.9 thousand hectares, 675.7 thousand tons have been harvested with a yield of 203.3 centners per hectare. The vegetable harvesting area is 169.7 thousand hectares, 1.9 million tons have been harvested with a yield of 253 q/ha.

The yield of all crops is higher than in 2021. As the head of the Ministry of Agriculture noted, the favorable conditions of the current year had a positive impact on the state of crops. According to the operational data of regional akimats, today 70% of grain crops (10.6 million hectares) are in good condition, 28.3% (5 million hectares) are in satisfactory condition, and 1.7% (0.2 million hectares) are in good condition. In a bad condition. According to the growth phases, 12.9% of grain crops are in the maturation phase of milky ripeness, 25.5% - milky-wax, 35.8% - wax, 25.7% - full.

The total storage capacity of grain at elevators is 29.1 million tons, including 12.6 million tons at grain receiving enterprises, and 16.5 million tons at agricultural producers. This volume is sufficient to store the predicted crop, taking into account carry-over residues.

“According to the regional akimats, the forecast volume of the gross grain harvest is expected to be at the level of 18.3 million tons, including more than 13.4 million tons of wheat. In addition, the republic has a carry-over balance of grain as of August 1 in the amount of 3.1 million tons, including wheat - 2.5 million tons. The expected volume of gross grain harvest, taking into account carry-over balances, is sufficient to fully meet the internal needs of the republic, as well as to sell certain volumes of grain for export, and, accordingly, maintain trading positions in our traditional markets,” said Yerbol Karashukeev.

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