Market News
08.02.2022 в 16:51
Why are monopolists cashing in on transportation again?
08.02.2022 в 15:18
Kazakhstan will simplify the allocation of agricultural land
08.02.2022 в 15:01
In dry seasons, moisture accumulation - 50-55 cm - scientists voiced recommendations for snow retention
07.02.2022 в 16:27
Eksportnyye zayavki na maslo rossiyskogo proizvodstva - v Kazakhstan vneseny izmeneniya v prikaz o kvotirovanii eksporta
07.02.2022 в 16:01
Kazakhstan will not be able to benefit from a record sunflower harvest, bureaucrats have killed the market
07.02.2022 в 15:59
Plus 200 thousand tons - the estimate of wheat imports by Kazakhstan continues to grow
07.02.2022 в 15:54
Heavy precipitation is expected in Kazakhstan
03.02.2022 в 17:12
800 thousand tons of diesel fuel will be allocated for field work in 2022
03.02.2022 в 16:54
Sowing-2022 in Kazakhstan will be fully provided with domestic fertilizers
02.02.2022 в 15:06
Russia "froze" the export of ammonium nitrate for two months