Market News
01.02.2022 в 14:41
Tseny na pshenitsu podprygnuli na 5%
01.02.2022 в 14:31
V Kazakhstane eksport organicheskoy produktsii vyros v tri raza
01.02.2022 в 13:28
Na forvardnyy zakup postupili zayavki v 40 mlrd tenge
01.02.2022 в 13:05
V RK nachalsya priyem zayavok na investsubsidirovaniye
01.02.2022 в 12:33
8,9 tys. tonn - otgruzki kazakhstanskogo podsolnechnika ne prevysili pyatoy chasti eksportnoy kvoty
21.09.2021 в 17:33
Kazakhstan to export wheat, flour mostly to Afghanistan, Iran
15.11.2019 в 16:24
Kazakhstan: as of November 1, grain stocks totaled over 15 mln tonnes
15.11.2019 в 16:23
Kazakhstan to decrease the production of some oilseed crops — APK-Inform
13.11.2019 в 16:28
Kazakhstan almost completed the harvesting campaign of grains — Ministry of Agriculture
31.10.2019 в 16:46
Cut grain is a sad fact of the current harvest