Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The tariff for the transit of Russian grain through Kazakhstan will be discussed on November 28 22.11.2022 в 16:43 239 просмотров

The issue of rail transportation tariffs in Kazakhstan for Russian grain exporters will be discussed at the forum of interregional cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia, which will be held on November 28 in Orenburg with the participation of the presidents. This was announced today by Deputy Prime Minister of Trade of Kazakhstan Serik Zhumangarin, Sputnik Kazakhstan writes.

According to Zhumangarin, trade negotiations will be held within the framework of the forum. The Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan will form a delegation with the participation of businessmen who are interested in transit transportation through Russia. During the negotiations, the parties will try to achieve a balance of interests.

"If it is not profitable for us, naturally, we will not do it. Because our railway is also an economic entity, it earns money on transit. Due to this, our domestic transportation, including passenger transportation, is maintained," Serik Zhumangarin added.

The Deputy Prime Minister informed that Kazakhstan also expects to agree on a 50% discount on service in Russian ports.

The head of the Ministry of Trade recalled that the KTZ tariff has not changed for many years, while the transit of Russian grain crops has increased recently.

Earlier, Russian Railways sent an appeal to Kazakhstan with a request to reduce the transit tariff for grain transportation. According to Alexander Korbut, Vice-president of the Russian Grain Union, it has become unprofitable for Russian traders to transport products through Kazakhstan under the sanctions. For Russia, large-scale supplies to Central Asian countries and transit to China are actually blocked. This gives Kazakhstan a competitive advantage and allows it to re-export Russian grain.

In turn, Kazakh grain traders responded with a proposal to raise the tariff for Russia, since Central Asia is the main export direction of Kazakh grain and flour, and in case of increased competition with Russian grain, Kazakhstan may lose 30% of this market.

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