Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Agrometeorological review for the first decade of July 18.07.2023 в 16:55 213 просмотров

In the first decade of July, satisfactory conditions for the growth and development of spring grain crops mainly developed in the northern half of Kazakhstan. Crops are treated everywhere with herbicides against weeds. This is reported in the agrometeorological review of Kazhydromet.

According to weather forecasters, in the western regions, in the observed areas on spring wheat crops, there is a phase of "appearance of the lower stem node" – "milk ripeness", in early crops - "full ripeness", the condition of the plants is good and satisfactory.

In the northern regions, the "exit into the tube" - "earing" phase is everywhere observed on spring wheat crops, the condition of wheat is mostly good and satisfactory, in some areas excellent. In the vicinity of the Voznesenka agropost of the Bulandinsky district of the Akmola region, damage to wheat by locusts (not herd) up to 10% was noted, damage is 5% of the observed area.

In the east and in the center of the country, the development phase of the "appearance of the lower stem node" - "milk ripeness" is noted on spring wheat crops, depending on the sowing period. The condition of the wheat is excellent and good.

In the southern regions, the condition of spring barley is generally good and satisfactory. The development phase of "milk ripeness" is "full ripeness", barley harvesting has begun in some areas.

In addition, in the first decade of July in the south-east and south of the country in the areas of winter wheat cultivation there were favorable conditions for the full ripening of grain. In the observed areas, winter wheat was in the "waxy" - "full ripeness" phase. The condition of the wheat is excellent and good, harvesting has begun.

According to Kazhydromet specialists, the condition of heat-loving crops (rice, corn for grain, sugar beet, cotton, soy) is excellent and good. We started vegetative watering of corn and processing of sugar beet with a growth regulator.

In Aktobe, Almaty, Zhetysu, North Kazakhstan, Abai, East Kazakhstan and Karaganda regions, potatoes have a phase of "appearance of inflorescences" - "flowering". Vegetative watering is carried out, as well as potato hoeing. The quality of the work is good.

The condition of fruit crops (cherry, pear, apple) is everywhere good, there is a mass cherry harvest.

In the south of the country, the 2nd cutting of alfalfa and clover grasses continues, the condition of the grasses is good.

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