Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Empty–nosed and crop loss - high temperature in the north of the Republic of Kazakhstan worsened the condition of wheat 08.08.2023 в 14:56 214 просмотров

In the third decade of July, meteorological conditions for grain filling and ripening were satisfactory throughout Kazakhstan, and favorable for grain harvesting in the south and west of the country.

Recall that by the reporting date, according to the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan, the first million tons of grain were harvested at the expense of the southern regions.

At the same time, the increased temperature background in the northern half of the country worsened the conditions during flowering. As a result, there may be a hollow-nose, which causes crop losses. It should be noted that by the end of July, according to the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan, 43.7% of grain crops were in satisfactory condition. Cosmomonitoring data indicated the poor condition of almost 40% of crops.

According to Kazhydromet RSE, the "earing" - "milk ripeness" phase is observed at the observed sites in the Akmola region on spring wheat crops, in the vicinity of the Zhaltyr stations of the Astrakhan district "wax ripeness". The condition of the plants is mostly good and satisfactory, around the Zhaltyr stations is poor. The height of the plants reaches 40-69 cm .

In the Kostanay region, the condition of spring wheat is excellent and good, in the vicinity of the Ken – Aral agropost of the Fedorovsky district is satisfactory, around the Auliekol stations is bad. The phase of development "flowering" - "milk ripeness", around the stations Fedorovka and Uzunkol – "wax ripeness", in late crops - "exit into the tube" - "appearance of the lower stem node". The height of the plants reaches 41-85 cm .

Earlier, aridity was predicted in some areas of Kostanay region. In particular, abnormal hot weather contributed to the spread of locusts. At the beginning of July, farmers of the region, with the support of local authorities, carried out treatments against pests. In addition, the fields of more than five districts suffer from saiga.

In the North Kazakhstan region, the condition of spring wheat is mostly excellent and good. The development phase is "dairy" - "wax ripeness", on crops in the vicinity of Saumalkol stations – "earing". The height of the plants reaches 41-75 cm .

Earlier, the USC of the North Kazakhstan Region reported that the vegetation of plants takes place without stress.

In the Pavlodar region, the development phase of "earing" – "waxy ripeness" is noted on spring wheat crops, and "the appearance of the lower stem node" at late sowing dates. The condition of the plants is mostly satisfactory, around the stations Fedorovskaya of the Terenkolsky district, Panfilovo and Golubovka of the Yertissky district is poor. The height of plants reaches 35-64 cm, stunted crops 14-25 cm.

It is worth noting that in the Irtysh region the most affected by aridity. A shortage of precipitation has been observed for several months.

In the Karaganda region, spring wheat has a phase of development "flowering" - "wax ripeness". The height of the plants reaches 41-65 cm, the condition of the wheat is excellent and good.

In the Ulytau region, the "dairy" phase of development is "full ripeness" on spring wheat crops. The height reaches 58 cm, the condition of the plants is excellent and good.

In the East Kazakhstan region, the development phase of "earing" - "milk ripeness" on spring wheat crops. The height of the plants is 46-71 cm .

In the Abai region, the condition of spring wheat is excellent and good, the height reaches 60-69 cm, "milk" – "full ripeness".

In the West Kazakhstan region, the condition of spring wheat is mostly good, in some areas around the Peremetnoye agropost of the Bayterek district is satisfactory. The "milk" phase of development is "full ripeness", the height of plants is 35-65 cm.

In the Aktobe region, the condition of spring wheat is good and satisfactory, weeds are common. The height of the plants reaches 64 cm, the phase of development "flowering" – "wax ripeness".

Recall, according to the forecasts of the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan, the gross wheat harvest in 2023 will amount to 16 million tons. International experts estimate the harvest below: USDA – 14 million tons, IGC – 13 million tons.

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