Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Changes in subsidizing loan rates were developed by the Ministry of Agriculture 15.08.2023 в 17:06 148 просмотров

The Ministry of Agriculture is making changes to the procedure for calculating the standards for subsidizing rates on loans and leasing. The nominal rate for calculating subsidies will be linked to the base rate of the National Bank. The corresponding draft order is published on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture.

"Subsidizing interest rates under loan agreements will be carried out no more than the nominal interest rate calculated as the total expression of the base rate of the National Bank plus 4.5% per annum in tenge, of which 13.25% is paid by the state, and the difference is paid by the borrower (service recipient)," the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture explained.

In addition, the document provides for the possibility of concluding a subsidy contract for proposals received on the Waiting List. The reporting form and the list of goods for lending and financial leasing for priority projects in the field of production or processing of agricultural products have also been updated.

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