In the Akmola region, the harvesting of grain and leguminous crops has been completed. The harvested area amounted to 4.7 million hectares, 3 million 93.3 thousand tons of grain were threshed. The average yield in the region this year was 6.4 c/ha. This was reported by the Department of Agriculture and Land Relations.
Seeds of grain and leguminous crops, as of October 21, were poured in the amount of 268.3 thousand tons. At the same time, the plan for the region is twice as large - 536.8 thousand tons.
In addition, oilseeds in the region have already been harvested on an area of 106.8 thousand hectares – that’s 54%. 57.9 thousand tons of oil seeds were collected with an average yield of 5.4 c/ha.
Potato harvesting is also nearing completion. The harvest was collected on an area of 12.7 thousand hectares (97.4%). With an average yield of 116.8 c/ha, 148.9 thousand tons were collected.
Vegetables in the Akmola region were harvested on an area of 2.1 thousand hectares (99.1%), 19 thousand tons were collected with an average yield of 91.3 c/ha.