Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan provided a record volume of wheat exports 27.10.2023 в 10:01 249 просмотров

Kazakhstan earned a record amount from wheat sales. Over the first 8 months of this year, the amount of exports became the highest for this period since 2011. Physical volume also breaks the record. This was reported by the analytical channel DATA HUB, citing data from the Bureau of National Statistics.
“Over 8 months of 2023, wheat exports from Kazakhstan reached $1.36 billion, data from the BNS ASPiR of the Republic of Kazakhstan show. The amount increased by 23% compared to last year and was the highest for this period since at least 2011,” the information notes.
Moreover, August alone showed impressive growth - plus 138% compared to the same month in 2022, $177.7 million.
“In general, the record is ensured by the physical growth of exports: volumes in January-August amounted to 5.2 million tons, having increased by almost half over the year. The last time we sold more abroad was in 2012 (approximately 6 million tons),” the statement says.
But these were the figures for the grain itself, but with the product of its processing - flour - everything is worse.
In cash terms, we sold flour worth $369.7 million, which is 12% less than in 8 months of 2022. Volumes, moreover, increased by 12%, to 1.2 million tons, that is, products became cheaper. As a consolation, we note that last year’s figure in dollars was a record for the entire period of statistics.

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