Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
15.9 million tons of grain were threshed in Kazakhstan 27.10.2023 в 22:36 234 просмотра

In Kazakhstan, 16.6 million hectares of grain crops have been harvested to date, or 97% of the planned area. With an average yield of 9.6 c/ha, 15.9 million tons of grain were threshed. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture.

On behalf of the head of state, the government took measures to minimize the consequences of unfavorable weather conditions, which negatively affected the quality of the harvest. The food corporation has begun accepting agricultural products from the 2023 harvest as part of the forward purchase program.

The following purchase prices have been established: durum wheat 3rd class – 130 thousand tenge with VAT; wheat class 3 hi-pro (gluten from 27%) – 130,000 tenge including VAT; 3rd class wheat (gluten from 23%) – 120 thousand tenge including VAT; 4th grade wheat – 105 thousand tenge including VAT; 2nd class barley – 65 thousand tenge including VAT.

Purchase prices for sunflower, flax seeds, buckwheat and rapeseed will be known later.

For forward purchases and commodity loans, farmers were given the opportunity to fulfill their obligations in cash without paying a fine or by replacing class 3 wheat with class 4 at a coefficient of 1.05 or 5%. Agricultural producers who cannot fulfill their obligations will be allowed to extend the term of the contract for one year with a refund of bank fees in the amount of 3%.

In turn, the financial institutions of the Baiterek holding extend loans without applying penalties against producers.

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