Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The shortage of seeds in Kazakhstan will be discussed at the conference TUKYM-2024 31.10.2023 в 15:17 331 просмотр

The already traditional Seed Day “TҰKYM” will be held for the third time on December 6, 2023 at the capital’s Radisson Hotel. The program includes a discussion of current issues of seed production and provision of seeds to farmers from the 2024 season.

One of the experts will be Alexey Morgunov, breeder, co-author of the “Aina” wheat variety, Ph.D. He will give a report in which he will talk about international experience in building a selection and seed production system using the example of the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. Talgat Azhgaliev, Chairman of the State Commission for Variety Testing of Agricultural Crops of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, will make proposals for the development and modernization of the variety testing system in Kazakhstan.

Let us remind you that due to rainy weather in August-September, most of the grain harvest of this season sprouted. In this regard, the country is expected to have a shortage of seed material of 1 million tons, with a total demand of 2 million tons. In this regard, the expected reports at Seed Day will be assessments of the quality and quantity of harvested seed material, as well as recommendations from scientists on preparing seeds for sowing.

As part of Seed Day, an exhibition of products from leading seed manufacturers and suppliers, both Kazakh and foreign, will be organized. Manufacturers of seed cleaning equipment will present the most modern samples of calibration machines, photo sorters and other equipment.

The organizers of Seed Day were the companies “DAN AgroMarketing Group” and “Agroindustry KZ” with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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