Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The best grain harvest in 10 years was collected in Kazakhstan 21.10.2024 в 14:28 17 просмотров

A number of industry unions have addressed the President of Kazakhstan on the occasion of the successful completion of the agricultural season. In the letter, farmers expressed gratitude for the increased support for agriculture and attention to agriculture.

This year, Kazakhstan has harvested more than 26 million tons of grain. The average yield in the country is about 16 centners, but some fields have harvested 40-50 centners per hectare. This is the best result in the last 10 years.

In the letter, farmers noted that without the support and constant attention, it would not have been possible to achieve such results. Preferential financing of the agricultural sector was significantly increased, which became a great help for the industry.

“We especially feel the support in matters of developing processing and marketing of products. Special thanks for the constant participation in improving life in the countryside,” the farmers said.

The letter also notes that, thanks to convenient leasing terms, equipment upgrades have become much more accessible for villagers. Over 20 thousand units of new agricultural machinery have been purchased this year alone. Timely lending allowed us to quickly obtain the necessary resources for sowing and harvesting.

"All the conditions created for us allow us to plan our work several steps ahead. It is especially pleasing that from December of this year we will be able to receive the first funds for the next harvest. Every farmer in our country was happy to accept this decision of yours. Now is the time to work as hard as possible, develop together, to do more for our country and improve the general welfare of the people," the farmers emphasize.

About 1.2 million citizens of Kazakhstan work in agriculture, and taking into account their families, more than 4 million Kazakhstanis directly depend on the state of affairs in the agricultural sector.

"Kazakhstani products are highly valued outside our country. But without the assistance of the state, we would not have been able to achieve such efficiency. Dear Kassym-Zhomart Kemelevich, the entire farming community feels your support! Once again, on behalf of all Kazakhstani farmers, let me thank you for your attention and assistance to the villagers. We, for our part, are ready to make every effort to justify your trust and the hopes of our compatriots for a high-quality harvest and to implement the set tasks at a high level,” the letter says.

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