Market News
23.02.2024 в 17:23
A shortage of non-grade grain is beginning to be felt in Kazakhstan, prices are rising
22.02.2024 в 13:44
The fertilizer subsidy scheme will be changed in Kazakhstan
21.02.2024 в 13:50
The neural network will track grain pests in Kazakhstan
20.02.2024 в 14:48
Kazakhstan will resume supplies of feed grain to Iran
19.02.2024 в 12:23
Weather forecast for spring was given by weather forecasters in Kazakhstan
15.02.2024 в 13:55
The price of diesel fuel will change in Kazakhstan
14.02.2024 в 15:57
Deputies ask to cancel duties on sunflower exports
14.02.2024 в 11:02
Preferential loans worth 275 billion tenge will be received by farmers from Kazakhstani banks
13.02.2024 в 11:25
Karabalyk Agricultural Plant presented a new variety of spring barley
12.02.2024 в 12:35
KazAgroFinance launched a new leasing program