Market News
10.04.2024 в 11:28
Food Corporation starts exporting farm wheat
10.04.2024 в 11:21
China intends to increase grain production by 50 million tons
09.04.2024 в 12:47
Kazakhstan bans grain loading to China
08.04.2024 в 13:30
Measures to support NC Food Corporation JSC for agricultural subjects affected by floods
05.04.2024 в 12:01
Does Kazakhstan not want to transport grain to China?
04.04.2024 в 14:02
Good condition of winter crops is noted in Kazakhstan
03.04.2024 в 14:20
Conditions for leasing equipment for agricultural cooperatives will change in Kazakhstan
02.04.2024 в 12:55
What weather is expected in Kazakhstan in April
01.04.2024 в 12:41
The Ministry of Agriculture introduced new rules for leasing agricultural machinery
29.03.2024 в 17:02
Kazakhstan is asking to create a grain transportation commission with China