Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Departamenty po upravleniyu zemel'nymi resursami sozdany v RK 01.02.2022 в 14:59 290 просмотров

Prem'yer-ministr Respubliki Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov 19 yanvarya 2022 goda podpisal postanovleniye pravitel'stva po sozdaniyu territorial'nykh departamentov po upravleniyu zemel'nymi resursami Komiteta po upravleniyu zemel'nymi resursami Ministerstva sel'skogo khozyaystva RK. 

On otmetil, chto tem samym zavershilsya pervyy etap po vosstanovleniyu yedinoy vertikali po ispol'zovaniyu i okhrany zemel' RK.

«Uveren, chto byl sdelan ocherednoy shag dlya resheniya nakopivshikhsya problem v sfere zemel'nykh otnosheniy», - soobshchil Murat Temirzhanov.

Recall: on January 1, the amendments proposed by the Land Commission came into force in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main novelties of the law "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the development of land relations" were:

• Extension of the moratorium on the provision of agricultural land to Kazakhstanis in private ownership until December 31, 2026.

• Determination of the boundaries of pasture lands of settlements, taking into account local conditions in order to meet the needs of the population.

• A ban on changing the designation from agricultural land to "gardening" and "cottage construction".

• Placement of additional information about the provided agricultural land plots in the public domain on the Internet resource of the state land cadastre.

• Returning to the Land Resources Management Committee the functions of state control over the use and protection of land from akimats.


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