Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Plus 200 thousand tons - the estimate of wheat imports by Kazakhstan continues to grow 07.02.2022 в 15:59 214 просмотров

Experts from the US Department of Agriculture - USDA, having corrected the previous forecast of wheat production in Kazakhstan, also lowered the estimate of grain stocks.

In particular, in the February report of the USDA, the estimate of wheat production in the Republic of Kazakhstan m / m was reduced by 186 thousand tons - to 11.8 million tons.

Recall, according to the Bureau of Statistics, the gross harvest of wheat in weight after completion in 2020-21 MY amounted to 11.8 million tons.

American experts have reduced the estimate of stocks of grain in the Republic of Kazakhstan by the end of the current season by 86 thousand tons - up to 1.1 million tons. According to the International Grain Council IGC, the balance of grain in 2021-22 MY in Kazakhstan will amount to 0.7 million tons.

USDA raised the forecast for m / m export of Kazakh grain by 100 thousand tons - up to 7.3 million tons.

The estimate of wheat imports by Kazakhstan has been increased by 200 thousand tons - up to 1.2 million tons. Thus, the import of wheat into the country this season will be the maximum in the history of observations. It should be noted, according to Rosselkhoznadzor, from the beginning of the MY to February 3, Kazakhstan imported 1.7 million tons of Russian wheat.

The assessment of domestic consumption has not changed:

for seeds - 4.8 million tons

for fodder purposes - 1.2 million tons

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