Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Heavy precipitation is expected in Kazakhstan 07.02.2022 в 15:54 349 просмотров

The extensive anticyclone, which kept frosty weather without precipitation, will begin to shift outside of Kazakhstan, retaining its influence only on the eastern regions. At the same time, a cyclone with large reserves of moisture is already rushing from the northwest. This is reported by weather forecasters of Kazhydromet.

It is noted that the cyclone will bring with it precipitation in the form of rain and snow.

On February 12, in the southern regions, weather forecasters predict heavy precipitation, as well as increased wind and ice phenomena.

It is expected that after prolonged frosts, even in the north of Kazakhstan, the thermometers in the daytime will show only 2-10 degrees of frost.

It should be noted that in the third decade of January, weather conditions were unfavorable for winter crops in the south and southeast of Kazakhstan. There, the temperature background was mainly above the norm by 1-6 degrees and in the west from 0 to plus 7 degrees, and precipitation was mostly below the norm.

Frequent thaws alternated with nightly negative air temperatures. This can lead to damage to poorly developed plants in winter wheat crops.

More favorable conditions developed in the West Kazakhstan region, where stable snow cover (21-29 cm) is preserved in the areas of cultivation of winter crops, which had a protective effect on plants, so the low temperature on the soil surface (minus 25-26 degrees) was not so dangerous for overwintering.

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