Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Only safflower is in the black: the total export of oilseeds of the Republic of Kazakhstan for six months of MY decreased by 1.7 times 30.03.2022 в 15:26 317 просмотров

After the previous decline, in February Kazakhstan increased the export of oilseeds.

Thus, according to the State Revenue Committee, shipments of oilseeds for the reporting period increased m/m by almost 7.3%, amounting to 56.3 thousand tons (in January - 52.2 thousand tons).

Compared to the same period last season, the export of oilseeds of the Republic of Kazakhstan increased by 2.6% - 54.8 thousand tons. As a percentage of the total volume, the maximum share of shipments - 50.4% - falls on flax.

In February, the export of Kazakhstani sunflower m/m increased by 1.7 times - from 12.3 to 21.5 thousand tons.

It should be noted that the maximum volume of the February oilseed quota per enterprise amounted to 25 tons. The main importer of seeds of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the reporting period was Uzbekistan, which increased the purchase of m/m by 2.2 times - from 6.8 to 14.7 thousand tons. China increased m/m imports by 1.9% - from 5 to 5.1 thousand tons.

In the rapeseed segment, shipments increased by 23.5% - from 351 to 459 tons, 220 tons of which were sent to Turkey, 169 tons - to Poland and 70 tons - to Uzbekistan.

In February, the export of soybeans increased by 2.4 times - up to 464 tons (195 tons - in January), the entire volume of which was sent to Uzbekistan.

During the reporting period, safflower exports increased m/m by 20% - from 4.4 to 5.5 thousand tons in February, the entire volume was sent to China.

In February, 489 tons of mustard were exported (in January - 395 tons), 272 tons of which were sent to Ukraine, 195 tons - to Poland and 22 tons - to Romania.

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