Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Ministry of Agriculture has established the procedure for quoting the export of wheat and flour 06.04.2022 в 15:19 331 просмотр

Wheat traders are required to sell 10% of the exported volume before applying for a quota. Quantitative restrictions per company will not exceed 50,000 tons.

Quotas for the export of grain and flour have been set until June 15. During this period, Kazakhstan allowed to export 1 million tons of wheat and 300 thousand tons of flour. The government explained the need for restrictions by the increased demand for agricultural products, as well as the risk of a food crisis due to the war in Ukraine.

The Ministry of Agriculture outlined the procedure for distributing quantitative restrictions in an appendix to the order. According to the document, quotas will be distributed in the unified automated system for managing the branches of the agro-industrial complex "e-Agriculture" automatically when issuing phytosanitary certificates.

At the same time, traders of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. 3 classes) must first sell 10% of the volume declared for export at a fixed price of the Food Corporation. For this, an order for the sale/purchase of a grain receipt is signed in the information system of grain receipts. Grain is sold to grain-receiving enterprises determined by the corporation.

Wheat flour is also preliminarily sold in the amount of 10% to social and entrepreneurial corporations (SECs).

The food corporation will daily send to the Ministry of Agriculture a list of applicants who sold wheat, and flour sellers will independently send a letter from the SEC to the Ministry of Agriculture confirming the fact of sale.

Fixed prices for products, a list and addresses of grain-receiving enterprises will be published on the official website of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Quotas will be distributed among the applicants until they are completely exhausted for each type of product.

At the same time, limits were set for one applicant: for wheat - 50 thousand tons, for flour - 15 thousand tons.

The Ministry of Agriculture will publish information on the issued and available volumes of quotas on its website daily.

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