Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The weather in Kazakhstan is favorable for spring crops 09.06.2022 в 14:28 294 просмотра

Meteorological conditions for the growth and development of spring crops in the third decade of May were favorable. In the west and south of the country, precipitation was above the norm, in the rest of Kazakhstan - near and below the norm. This is stated in the agrometeorological review for the third decade of May, prepared by Kazhydromet.

According to weather forecasters, in the third decade, the condition of plants in the West Kazakhstan region is generally good. In the southern regions, the state of spring barley is also good, the plants were in the phase of the appearance of the lower stem node and milky ripeness. On late crops in the Almaty region, grain germination and the formation of nodal roots were observed.

Favorable conditions have developed in the south of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the growth and development of winter wheat, while precipitation has improved soil moisture reserves. Plants at the end of May were in the phase of development "appearance of the lower stem node" - "milky ripeness", in some areas "wax ripeness". Farmers have started inter-row cultivation, application of nitrogen fertilizers, vegetative irrigation, draining and letting water into rice paddies.

Potato planting continued in Almaty, North Kazakhstan, Kostanay and Karaganda regions, sunflower planting continued in Kostanay, Pavlodar and East Kazakhstan regions. In the West Kazakhstan region, the sowing of safflower was completed, in the Kostanay and North Kazakhstan regions, the sowing of oil flax continued. In the Zhambyl region, cabbage seedlings were planted and onions were watered.

Also in the south of the country, the first mowing of alfalfa grasses and vegetation irrigation began.

According to Kazhydromet, the optimal reserves of productive moisture in a meter layer of soil in the third decade of May were formed in Almaty and Zhambyl regions. In the West Kazakhstan region, moisture reserves were from optimal to insufficient, in the North Kazakhstan, Pavlodar and East Kazakhstan regions - from satisfactory to insufficient, in the Kyzylorda region - insufficient. In the rest of the country, soil moisture conditions were satisfactory.

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