Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Good harvest of winter crops predicted in Kazakhstan 20.06.2022 в 16:24 391 просмотр

According to the calculated data, taking into account the current and expected agrometeorological situation, the yield of winter wheat in Almaty, Zhambyl and Turkestan regions is predicted mainly around the average annual values. It is reported by with reference to the forecast of winter wheat yield of Kazhydromet.

It is noted that the meteorological conditions in the south and southeast of the country this year were favorable for the formation and maturation of grain.

“In the Ryskulov, Shu and Sarysu districts of the Zhambyl region, as well as in the Saryagash district of the Turkestan region, the yield of winter wheat is expected to be higher than the average annual values,” Kazhydromet predicts.


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