Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
789 thousand tons: USDA lowered the forecast for carry-over stocks of Kazakh wheat 13.07.2022 в 14:17 314 просмотров

The US Department of Agriculture - USDA, as a month earlier, in the July report, kept the forecast for the production of wheat and barley in 2022-23 MY in Kazakhstan at the same level - 13 and 2.8 million tons, respectively.

At the same time, having reduced the forecast m / m carry-over and supply by 650 thousand tons, to:

  • 789 thousand tons,
  • 14.8 million tons,

Experts have adjusted down the assessment of wheat stocks in Kazakhstan by the end of the upcoming season by 325 thousand tons - up to 889 thousand tons.

It should be noted that according to the forecast of exporters of the Republic of Kazakhstan, wheat stocks in 2021-22 MY will amount to million tons. Experts reduced domestic consumption of wheat by 325 thousand tons - up to 5.9 million tons, by reducing the use for forage purposes and for seeds:

  • per 100 thousand tons - up to 1.3 million tons;
  • by 225 thousand tons - up to 4.6 million tons, respectively.

In turn, having revised the forecast of initial stocks and supply of barley by five thousand tons, the USDA raised the estimate of forage stocks by the end of the upcoming season to 214 thousand tons.

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