Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Rosselkhoznadzor will control warehouses for storing agrochemicals 04.08.2022 в 15:39 337 просмотров

The Ministry of Agriculture proposed to expand the powers of the Rosselkhoznadzor to control the circulation of pesticides and agrochemicals on the territory of the Russian Federation. Now the service will be able to control the storage of these products in temporary storage warehouses (TSW), where the necessary conditions have been created for the content of hazardous chemicals. The corresponding draft resolution is published on the portal of normative legal acts.

The authors of the draft explain its writing by the need to improve the control procedure for these products supplied to the territory of our country. Transferring control to warehouses will help to track violations more objectively. It will also free specialized checkpoints across the state border from checks. Control measures at the temporary storage warehouse will be carried out within three days from the receipt of products. The list of storage facilities themselves will be determined by the Rosselkhoznadzor, which will also coordinate them with the Russian customs service.

Recall that since June last year, the authority was returned to the department for state control in the field of safe circulation of chemicals and plant protection products. Since that time, it has been monitoring compliance with the requirements for these products when imported into the territory of the Russian Federation and compliance with the regulations for its application to the production of agricultural products. The service conducts these activities with the help of the federal state information system "Saturn". It was created to account for batches during their manufacture, storage, sale (including export), as well as disinfection, use, recycling, destruction and disposal. The customer and owner of this information is Rosselkhoznadzor. By the beginning of this month, more than 22,000 business entities and 310,000 sites have already been registered in the system.

The new rules are expected to come into force next year.

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