Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
38% of the plan harvested cereals and legumes since the beginning of the harvesting campaign 01.09.2022 в 14:39 190 просмотров

Kazakh farmers have harvested more than 38% of grain and leguminous crops since the beginning of the harvesting campaign, namely, 6.1 million hectares have been harvested, 705 million tons of grain have been threshed. The average yield was 12.3 centners per hectare.

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan reported that favorable weather conditions, as well as the timely implementation of a set of agrotechnical measures during spring field work and the provision of a favorable phytosanitary situation during the growing season of plants, contributed to the increase in yields this year.

Taking into account domestic consumption, it is predicted to receive a sufficient volume of grain in order to provide the Kazakhstani market and ship part of the wheat for export. We remind you that from September 10, restrictions on the export of grain and flour will cease to operate.

As for financing, in 2022 the budget loan amounted to 140 billion tenge, which is 2 times higher than in 2021, as part of the forward purchase of grain, funding was also increased to 100 billion tenge, or 2.5 times more than a year earlier.

It should be noted that as part of the implementation of the instructions of the Head of State, a mechanism for preferential lending to agricultural machinery was developed at the expense of JSC Zhasyl Damu. About 40 billion tenge was allocated for preferential leasing.

423.5 thousand tons of preferential diesel fuel were allocated for the timely harvesting of SHTP.

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