Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
11.2 million tons of grain have been harvested in Kazakhstan 08.09.2022 в 16:09 313 просмотров

In Kazakhstan, as of September 7, 9.2 million hectares of grain and leguminous crops were harvested, 11.2 million tons of grain were harvested. The average yield was 12 kg/ha. This is reported by with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture.

"The forecast volume of gross grain harvest is expected at the level of 18.3 million tons, including wheat over 13.4 million tons. In addition, the country has a rolling grain balance in the amount of 3.1 million tons, including wheat – 2.5 million tons. This is enough to fully meet the internal needs of the republic, as well as the sale of part for export and, accordingly, the preservation of trade positions in our traditional markets," Vice Minister of Agriculture Abulkhair Tamabek said at a briefing in the CCS.

He also stated that farmers are fully provided with the necessary equipment. Before the start of mass harvesting, a program of preferential leasing of agricultural machinery was introduced, for which 40 billion tenge was allocated. Since August 5, KazAgroFinance has accepted 874 applications in the amount of 44.7 billion tenge for the purchase of 1,130 units of equipment. Financial leasing agreements were concluded for 345 applications in the amount of 18.4 billion tenge. 160 applications were approved for the amount of 11.9 billion tenge.

423.5 thousand tons of preferential diesel fuel were allocated for harvesting. The average price in the republic for farmers is 203 tenge/liter, which is 15-20% cheaper than the market value.

The food corporation has contracted more than 1.1 million tons of grain for 80 billion tenge this year.

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