The KTZ company has agreed on a basic grain transportation plan for October in the amount of 1.3 million tons. This figure is 490 thousand tons more than the volume of grain transportation in September. This was reported by the press service of the national company.
Within the country, transportation in the amount of 158 thousand tons has been agreed upon, and over 1.2 million tons for export.
The main transportation plan for grinding products (flour) for October was agreed upon in the amount of 393 thousand tons, including more than 55 thousand tons throughout the republic, and more than 337 thousand tons for export.
“The lion’s share of grain and milled products will be sent for export. Thus, through the railway crossing point of the Saryagash station it is planned to export 663 thousand tons of grain and 245 thousand tons of grinding products. An agreement was reached with the Uzbek Railways to increase the number of trains during periods of increased demand for transportation,” KTZ informed.
According to the company, in September grain transportation increased by 8% compared to the same level last year and amounted to 806 thousand tons. Exports increased by 21%. Loading of grinding products increased by 2% and amounted to 264 thousand tons. Throughout the republic, loading increased by 15%.