Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Ministry of Agriculture delayed the requirement for electronic field maps until 2026 17.11.2023 в 14:25 241 просмотр

Kazakh farmers received a two-year deferment on electronic field maps for all areas of subsidies in the field of crop production. Thus, when submitting an application to receive a subsidy until January 1, 2026, electronic field maps are not required. This was reported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

To this end, on November 14, 2023, by order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, changes were made to the Rules for subsidizing increases in yield and quality of crop products, providing a deferment for the digitization of fields until 2026.

“The changes will allow farmers to put their land plots in order, complete the digitization of agricultural land plots by the State Institute of Agricultural Aerial Photo-Geodetic Surveys, and Kazakhstan Gharysh Sapary JSC to expand the range of crop recognition,” noted the Ministry of Agriculture.

Previously, a number of farmers encountered problems when applying for subsidies for priority crops, since there was no opportunity to properly digitize the fields.

Let us remind you that in October it was decided to provide a deferment for electronic field maps until the end of 2023.

The Ministry of Agriculture said that they plan to simplify the processes of subsidizing in crop production by eliminating the “electronic field map” and maintaining the areas of the land plot, which are pulled up from the Automated Information System of the State Land Cadastre (AIS GZK).

At the same time, the Ministry of Agriculture proposed to group types of crops (for example, grains, legumes, etc.), and also to give the applicant the right to independently select crops, using the average standard for each of them. This approach will free farmers from digitizing field maps and introducing crop rotation.

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