Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Food corporations were offered to buy feed wheat at 80 thousand tenge/ton 15.12.2023 в 11:40 275 просмотров

The current abnormal season gives the state a chance to create a fodder fund at reasonable prices. This opinion was shared on his Facebook page by Asylzhan Mamytbekov, who served as Minister of Agriculture in 2011-2016 and is considered the mastermind of the project to increase Kazakhstan’s beef export potential. Currently, he is the Chairman of the Meat Union of Kazakhstan.

Let us recall that the Project to Increase the Export Potential for Cattle Meat, launched in 2011, envisaged Kazakhstan’s transition from importing beef to exporting it, with the shipment of 180 thousand tons of meat abroad in 2022.

However, it was not possible to achieve this goal, including due to the poor supply of livestock farmers with feed.

This season, nature itself has given farmers a chance to form a long-term supply of fodder at reasonable prices and lay the foundation for stable work for a long period, says Asylzhan Mamytbekov.

The expert noted that in normal years, class 4 and 5 wheat (feed grain) in Kazakhstan is produced in minimal quantities, because the aridity of the climate and the abundance of sun allow the formation of hi-pro wheat, which is simply irrational to use for livestock feed - it is more profitable to produce flour from it or export.

This is good for crop production, but hinders the development of livestock farming.

However, this year turned out to be anomalous; heavy rains fell during the harvesting period for almost a month in a row, which led to the loss of the baking qualities of wheat while maintaining nutritional value. Some of the wheat turned out to be substandard, which is a great tragedy for farmers - it is difficult to sell such grain anywhere.

  And some of the grain lost quality to grades 4 and 5. And this wheat gives a chance for the development of the country’s livestock farming.

“That is, such grain is not suitable for baking, but is perfect as feed for livestock. Here we must take into account that due to the lack of immediate demand in such a volume for fodder, prices simply collapsed. Therefore, in such a difficult agricultural year, it would be right for the state to support agricultural sector, having bought a significant (!) volume of wheat of classes 4 and 5,” says Asylzhan Mamytbekov.

Asylzhan Mamytbekov named several benefits from the active entry of the state (represented by Food Corporation) into the grain market.

Firstly, the purchase of fodder for long-term resources will lead to an increase in prices for both class 3 grain and non-class wheat, which will support poor peasants.

“Also, these measures would help stabilize the further development of the livestock industry, which is often plagued by sharp increases in feed prices.

In the recent past, there were years when livestock farmers were forced to buy grain for $300-350 per ton as fodder. And now in the market, farmers cannot sell grade 5 wheat for 50-60 thousand tenge. In less than a year, the price may change dramatically. There were many such examples. But, unfortunately, our memory is short. Having bought 80 thousand tenge today for 5th grade, today the crop farmers will say thank you to the Government, and tomorrow the livestock breeders will say thank you. And all this without losses, and even with a certain profit for the state-owned company. After all, the idea of creating a fodder fund in our country has been floating around for a long time! As they say, every cloud has a silver lining. This year is the most successful for such endeavors."

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