Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Subsidies will be distributed in a new way 02.02.2024 в 11:40 129 просмотров

Subsidies will now be received only by those who produce results. The Government decided to reconsider the approach to issuing state support. It will be tied to the growth of production volumes, reports the APK News agency.

   This was announced at a meeting of agricultural producers with the Vice Minister of Agriculture in Kostanay. So far, the Ministry of Agriculture has not presented a clear algorithm for how this will happen. Farmers were only made to understand that the approach to issuing state support would be different.

   “The requirements for subsidy recipients will increase. On the instructions of the Prime Minister, the approach to the so-called reciprocal obligations for recipients of subsidies will be revised, where we will link efficiency to the growth of production volumes,” Deputy Minister of Agriculture Azat Sultanov said at the meeting.

   Akim of the Kostanay region Kumar Aksakalov said from the podium that farmers spend government funds ineffectively. He even reproached the fact that peasants drive expensive cars instead of investing money in the development of villages.

   “Subsidies do not produce the results we expect. Or they are used ineffectively. The approach to financing must be reconsidered. We must double productivity in the agricultural sector. And it can grow only when workers feel good and receive a decent salary. It is necessary to take care of people. You talk about having problems, but at the same time you drive beautiful cars and live in the city. And this despite the fact that there is devastation in your villages. How are you doing? Once you receive income, you immediately spend it on yourself. And we need to take care of the villagers. Only those who produce results will receive subsidies!” - said K. Aksakalov.

   Representatives of the Department of Agriculture of the Kostanay region presented figures according to which the amount of subsidies increased from 16 billion tenge in 2014 to 45 billion tenge by 2023. However, in fact, there was no noticeable increase in production either in crop production or in livestock farming. Farmers do not want to leave monoculture; wheat still occupies 80% of the sown area. In the region, the production of fodder crops has decreased, and the area of perennial grasses has decreased.

   “Subsidies should be stimulating. Only for those who work well. And everyone here claims them. This shouldn't happen. There is no such thing in any country. There is not enough money for everyone. We need to change the approach,” said the regional akim.

   Azat Sultanov, in turn, said that the amount of subsidies is growing annually. In 2023, it amounted to 500 billion tenge. In 2024, the amount will be slightly lower, but the requirements for farmers will increase.

   Meanwhile, agricultural producers in the Kostanay region stated that they do not receive subsidies on time. At this time, farmers in the region have not been paid 16 billion tenge for last year. Due to the transition from Koldau to the new GosAgro system, 8 billion tenge have been suspended since 2022. Regarding the fact that the peasant does not invest in the land, we must first ensure the opportunity to purchase mineral fertilizers on time...

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