Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Weather forecast for spring was given by weather forecasters in Kazakhstan 19.02.2024 в 12:23 267 просмотров

March in Kazakhstan is expected with precipitation above the climate norm and average temperature for this time of year. April and May may be warmer than usual. This is the forecast for spring given by Kazhydromet.

Forecasters note that in the northern regions of Kazakhstan, March is still a continuation of winter. Therefore, on some days during the month, winter-like cold weather is expected here, with frequent snowfalls and blizzards. Temperatures are predicted to be low, with frosts of 15-25 degrees at night.

In the north, center and east of the country in the first ten days, the daytime air temperature is predicted to rise to +2+7°C. And in the third ten days of the month in the daytime the thermometer columns can already rise to +5+15°C.

In the southern and southwestern regions in March, frequent precipitation (rain, sleet) is also possible. The air temperature is expected to fluctuate at night from 0. -10°С to +3+8°С, during the day from 0.+10°С to +10+18°С.

“In March, the average monthly air temperature is expected to be near normal in most of Kazakhstan, and 1° above normal in the south-eastern part of the country. The amount of precipitation in March is predicted to be above normal in most parts of the republic, within normal limits in the southwest and northwestern part of Kazakhstan,” Kazhydromet informs.

In April and May, in most parts of the republic the air temperature is expected to be 1° above normal; only in May in the northwestern half of the country the temperature background is predicted to be around normal.

In April, precipitation in most parts of the republic is expected to be near the climatic norm, below normal in the north-west of the country, above normal in the mountainous regions of the south, south-east, and east. In May, precipitation is expected to be near normal in most of the republic.


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