Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan will harvest 12.5 million tons of grain in 2024 – analysts’ forecast 11.04.2024 в 17:16 135 просмотров

The information and analytical agency APK-Inform predicted the future wheat grain harvest. It is reported that the situation with gross harvest in Kazakhstan this year will be better than last year. According to forecasts, the harvest will be 12.5 million tons, APK News agency reports.
“The year 2023 was unfavorable for grain farmers in Kazakhstan - a small wheat harvest was obtained, and of poor quality. This factor will influence the formation of the 2024 harvest. However, the gross wheat harvest may be 12% higher than in 2023. This forecast was voiced by the director of APK-Inform Asia, Elena Cherednichenko, during the international conference Chinese Grains&Oils Congress in Shanghai,” the information reports.
According to APK-Inform forecasts, the wheat harvest in Kazakhstan this year will be about 12.53 million tons, against 11.14 million tons in 2023.
“The low quality of wheat grown in 2023 creates high risks for seed quality. This, in turn, can lead to reduced yields. But still, we expect that the situation will not be as dire as in the current season,” noted E. Cherednichenko.
APK-Inform does not predict significant changes in other items of the grain balance. The only exception may be a reduction in imports against the backdrop of tightening trade with the Russian Federation. For wheat – by about 41%.
Also, according to the speaker, in the current season it is possible that there will be an increase in the re-export of seed material from Kazakhstan to the Russian Federation, for the import of which quotas have been established in the Russian Federation.

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