Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
More than 50% of Kazakhstan's wheat exports in 2019 accounted for Uzbekistan and Tajikistan 07.07.2019 в 12:54 1796 просмотров

Export volumes of wheat and flour from Kazakhstan for the period January-April 2019 have become known. More than half of Kazakhstan’s wheat exports in the first four months of 2019 went to Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. At the same time, Uzbekistan accounted for more than a third of all exports. These are traditionally the largest importers of Kazakh grain. For January-April Uzbekistan imported 759.5 thousand tons for the sum of 118.7 million dollars, or 36.2%, and Tajikistan - 323.5 thousand tons for the amount of 59.9 million dollars, or 15.4% .

In addition to these countries, another seven countries occupy a prominent place in Kazakh wheat exports, the news agency notes. This is Azerbaijan - 213.8 thousand tons in the amount of $ 40.5 million, or 10.2%, China - 131.9 thousand tons in the amount of $ 27.4 million, or 6.3%, Afghanistan - 127 , 6 thousand tons in the amount of $ 23.8 million, or 6%, Turkmenistan - 115.5 thousand tons in the amount of $ 21.5 million, or 5.5%, Turkey - 87.2 thousand tons per $ 15.9 million, or 4.2%, Italy - 79.3 thousand tons for a total of 15.6 million dollars, or 3.8% and Russia - 71.7 thousand tons for a total of 15.4 million dollars, or 3.4%.

The largest importers of Kazakhstani wheat and its flour derivatives are in the border area for Kazakhstan, except, perhaps, Italy, Turkey and Afghanistan.

These nine countries listed accounted for 91% of wheat exports, or 1,910 thousand tons for a total of $ 338.7 million. Total for the period was exported 2,100 thousand tons in the amount of 384.5 million dollars.

For flour, the export structure is more concentrated. Most of this Kazakhstan product, namely, 85.7% goes only to two countries that are also wheat importers. This is Afghanistan - 323.2 thousand tons in the amount of $ 72.7 million or 60.2% and Uzbekistan - 136.9 thousand tons in the amount of $ 24.2 million or 25.5%. In total, 537 thousand tons of flour were exported in the amount of 115.2 million dollars.

In January-April 2019, the export of wheat and meslin in a commodity form exceeded the figures for 2018 by 2.9%. Thanks to higher prices for wheat this season. The value of all wheat exports exceeded the value of last year’s exports by 20.1%. Flour reverse situation. Flour deliveries decreased in tons by 30%, and in monetary terms - by 21.3%.

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