Accredited in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Accredited in the National chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan almost completed the harvesting campaign of grains — Ministry of Agriculture 30.10.2019 в 10:35 1093 просмотра

As of October 30, Kazakh agrarians harvested grains and pulses throughout the areas of 15.25 mln ha, or 99.8% of the plan (15.274 mln ha), reported the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

At the same time, the production volumes of grains totaled 19.534 mln tonnes (in 2018 — 22.52 mln tonnes), with the average yield of 1.28 t/ha (1.5 t/ha).

In particular, the following oblasts of the country harvested grains throughout 100% of the planned areas: Akmola oblast — 5.124 mln tonnes, North Kazakhstan oblast — 4.794 mln tonnes, and Kostanay oblast — 3.003 mln tonnes.

According to the Ministry, as of the reporting date Almaty (4.3%), Jambyl (1.3%) and Turkistan oblasts (0.2%) still had the unharvested areas. In fact, to date agrarians provide field works in Almaty oblast only, because the figures in the other two regions remained unchanged for nearly one month.

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