Market News
01.09.2023 в 14:49
Well-known brands of agricultural machinery faced supply problems in Kazakhstan
01.09.2023 в 09:10
The grain harvest in the Russian Federation is large, but there are more questions about its quality. Review
28.08.2023 в 13:26
KTZ banned the reception of grain and flour in containers in the direction of China
22.08.2023 в 14:58
2.8 million tons of grain have been harvested in Kazakhstan
15.08.2023 в 17:06
Changes in subsidizing loan rates were developed by the Ministry of Agriculture
08.08.2023 в 14:56
Empty–nosed and crop loss - high temperature in the north of the Republic of Kazakhstan worsened the condition of wheat
27.07.2023 в 14:09
A storm warning due to extreme heat was issued by Kazhydromet
18.07.2023 в 16:55
Agrometeorological review for the first decade of July
10.07.2023 в 13:30
Harvest-2023: In June, conditions for grain development were optimal in the north of Kazakhstan
04.07.2023 в 13:21
Tajikistan increases purchases of Kazakh wheat