Market News
08.12.2023 в 10:55
Agroscience will help provide Kazakhstan with seeds
06.12.2023 в 15:25
Kazakhstan has provided itself with seeds by 86%
05.12.2023 в 16:32
Export of sprouted wheat will be activated in the next 2 months
04.12.2023 в 15:09
The food corporation will purchase 1.2 million tons of grain from farmers this season
01.12.2023 в 13:24
Kazakh authorities will consider an export duty on wheat of 60 euros/ton
30.11.2023 в 11:13
The country's grain balance was discussed at a meeting of the Mazhilis Committee on Agrarian Issues
28.11.2023 в 13:24
Agricultural goods are proposed to be removed from the general list of exchange goods
27.11.2023 в 09:36
KTZ extended the November shipment deadline for exporters
24.11.2023 в 14:55
The Ministry of Agriculture has updated the Concept for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex
23.11.2023 в 09:30
Kazakhstan risks losing its domestic grain market; only China will remain viable