Market News
07.08.2024 в 10:56
When is it more profitable to sell grain?
06.08.2024 в 12:47
Akmola region plans to harvest 5 million tons of grain
05.08.2024 в 16:07
Severe heat and rain expected in Kazakhstan
02.08.2024 в 11:24
Kazakhstan expects a bountiful harvest and regulation of grain trade
01.08.2024 в 12:56
Food Corporation to Supply 100,000 Tons of Feed Grain to Domestic Market
31.07.2024 в 13:16
Wheat prices have fallen in Kazakhstan
30.07.2024 в 10:14
Severe heat is expected in Kazakhstan
29.07.2024 в 10:17
The ban on wheat imports to Kazakhstan will be in effect until January 1, 2025
26.07.2024 в 10:50
Uzbekistan and China top the ranking of countries for export of Kazakh agricultural products
25.07.2024 в 11:45
Drought forecast for August released by Kazhydromet