Market News
30.05.2024 в 14:10
The Senate passed the law on organic products
29.05.2024 в 11:13
A storm warning has been announced across almost the entire territory of Kazakhstan
28.05.2024 в 12:10
Diesel fuel will be easier for farmers to obtain
27.05.2024 в 12:08
A pool of investment projects in the agricultural sector worth 447 billion tenge has been formed in Kazakhstan
24.05.2024 в 12:20
The food corporation issued 31 billion tenge for forward purchase
23.05.2024 в 10:30
Frosts in Russia will lead to higher prices for Kazakh wheat
22.05.2024 в 12:56
7 million hectares are sown in Kazakhstan
21.05.2024 в 12:20
Export of processed agricultural products will be promoted by the Ministry of Trade
20.05.2024 в 12:01
The government explained the refusal to subsidize imported agricultural machinery
17.05.2024 в 09:33
The first Kazakh-Chinese grain forum will be held in XUAR