Market News
24.07.2024 в 14:32
Controls against locusts continue in three regions of Kazakhstan
23.07.2024 в 14:18
The Ministry of Agriculture proposed to conduct an inventory of agricultural machinery
22.07.2024 в 11:12
A new grain export route is being worked out in Kazakhstan
19.07.2024 в 12:22
Kazakhstan will harvest 15 million tons of wheat - expert forecast
18.07.2024 в 14:06
The government is strengthening preparations for receiving the harvest and expanding export opportunities
17.07.2024 в 13:16
World wheat prices fell below $195 per ton
16.07.2024 в 09:21
The Ministry of Agriculture does not predict a shortage of elevator capacity
15.07.2024 в 14:10
Pakistan bans grain imports and exports
12.07.2024 в 16:52
5 million tons of wheat grain remains in the bins of Kazakhstan
11.07.2024 в 16:42
Granaries in Kazakhstan hold only half of the harvest